Transform your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to remotely control your computer through WiFi. Extended keyboard, Multi-Touch Trackpad and Apple Remote.
Tired of having a keyboard and mouse laying around in your living room? Get rid of that lousy setup with TouchPad! Use your iPhone, iPad or your iPod touch to remotely control your computer through WiFi (wireless network). With TouchPad's intuitive use, you'll feel right at home if you have already used a track pad on a MacBook. It's almost like having a micro laptop in your hands!
Moreover, if you have a Mac or use Linux, no additional software is required on your computer. TouchPad connects through Screen Sharing, which is part of OS X and most Linux distributions. Windows users can download a free VNC server such as TightVNC or UltraVNC, which are highly recommend.
You can also select a darker theme for when you use TouchPad in a low light environment.
TouchPad is the ideal companion for your computer (such as a Mac Mini) and an HDTV configuration!
• Media controller for all major software (Front Row, QuickTime, VLC, WMP, Boxee, etc.)
• Drag files, windows, text, etc.
• Modifier keys (Ctrl, Option/Alt, Cmd, Shift, Windows Key) included.
• Connection Manager.
• Compatible with Wake-On-Demand (Snow Leopard).
• Super-easy setup.
• 1 finger, 2 finger and 3 finger gestures supported.
• 2 finger vertical and horizontal scrolling.
• Inertial scrolling.
• Dragging gesture (tap-tap-hold-slide and 3 fingers) supported.
• Swipe left or right with 3 fingers (Back and Forward).
• 4 finger swipe up and down for Expos? (Mac only)
• Pinch to zoom screen (Mac only)
• Supports OS X 10.4 or later (Screen Sharing with VNC option enabled).
• Supports Windows XP, Vista and 7 (Free VNC server software like TightVNC or UltraVNC required)
• Supports all major Linux distributions (Remote Desktop enabled)
• Connects through a WiFi connection.
* NOTE: TouchPad is an alternative to a wireless keyboard/mouse/trackpad/remote combo. You will not see your computer's screen on your iPhone or iPad.
What's new in Version 3.5.1
- Fixed crash when resuming app
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